PM Modi on coronavirus LIVE Updates| FOLLOW SELF-CURFEW ON MARCH 22: PM MODI | Love Status

PM Modi on coronavirus LIVE Updates| FOLLOW SELF-CURFEW ON MARCH 22: PM MODI

PM Modi on coronavirus LIVE Updates: Isolate yourself from the world, says PM

Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses the nation on coronavirus. Prime Minister Narendra Modi's address to the nation on novel coronavirus comes at a time when the disease has claimed four lives in India and has infected over 180 people across the country. While India has implemented steep measures to combat the spread of the novel coronavirus, knowns as Covid-19, PM Modi is expected to urge the public to remain calm and practice all directives being issued by the government, including social distancing and good hygiene. Several rumours are abound about a possible national lockdown, India Today TV has confirmed that these rumours are false. Stay with as we bring you the latest updates on PM Narendra Modi's speech on coronavirus:

Nine days, nine requests: PM Modi on Navratri
PM Modi: The festival of Navratri is coming in a few days. This is the festival of Shakti worship. India should move ahead with full force. I am making 9 requests for these 9 days.
1. Every Indian should remain alert and aware. Don't step out unless absolutely necessary.
2. Those between 60-65 years old should stay inside their homes.
3. Follow Janta curfew from 7 am to 9 pm on March 22.
4. Thank service providers by clapping for five minutes at 5 pm on March 22.
5. Avoid going to hospitals for routine check-ups. Postpone elective surgeries.
6. Ask Finance Minister to take all necessary action under Economic Response Task Force.
7. Appeal business, high-income groups to not cut salaries of their employees.
8. Citizens should not indulge in hoarding, panic buying.
9. Don't believe rumours or unverified news.

No scarcity of resources, don't indulge in panic buying: PM Modi
PM Modi: I appeal to all not to go into panic buying to store essential commodities. Steps being taken to ensure that there is no scarcity of essential commodities. I assure the countrymen that all step are being taken to ensure that there is no shortage of essential goods like milk, food items and medicines.

PM Modi announces Economic Response Task Force to fight impact of coronavirus
Keeping in mind the economic challenges arising out of the Corona epidemic, the government led by the Finance Minister has a decided to constitute a Covid-19-Economic Response Task Force. The task force will remain in regular touch with all stakeholders, take their feedback and make decisions accordingly: PM Modi.

PM Modi has one rule for March 22: Clap for emergency responders at 5 am
Taking a cue from countries like Italy, PM Modi has asked all Indians to take part in thanking healthcare providers by clapping from their homes. "On Sunday, at 5 pm, we should stand at our doors or on our balconies and clap for five minutes to thank these people," he said in his address.

PM Modi: On 22nd March, from 7 am to 9pm, all countrymen have to follow 'Janta Curfew'. Prime Minister Narendra Modi: If possible, please call at least 10 people every day and tell them about the 'Janta Curfew' as well as the measures to prevent coronavirus.


Milan Tomic

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